PUMP is currently funded by a National Science Foundation grant (DMS-1916494) from the Division of Mathematical Sciences to San José State University (SJSU). Jordan Schettler from SJSU is the Principal Investigator of the grant and Cynthia Flores from CSU Channel Islands is the Co-PI. M. Helena Noronha (Emeritus Professor at CSU Northridge) serves as an Honorary Director.
The PUMP program has been funded by the NSF since 2005:
2005-2012 - MCTP Grant DMS-0502258 to California State University Northridge.
PI: M. Helena Noronha, co-PIs: Alberto Candel, Rabia Djellouli, and Werner Horn.
2013-2021- Workforce Grant DMS-1247679, CSU Alliance for PUMP.
PI: M. Helena Noronha (CSUN).
The senior personnel and liaisons to other CSU campuses are: Scott A. Annin (CSU Fullerton), Wayne Aitken (CSU San Marcos), Jose Castillo (San Diego State), Jen-Mei Chang (CSU Long Beach), Lipika Deka (CSU Monterey Bay), Jimmy Doi (Cal Poly SLO, Statistics), Cynthia Flores (CSU Channel Islands), Sayonita Ghosh Hajra (Sacramento State), Werner Horn (CSUN), Mike Krebs (CSULA), Bori Mazzag (Humboldt State), Kevin McGown (CSU Chico), Andrea Arauza-Rivera (CSU East Bay), Serban Raianu (CSU Dominguez Hills), John Rock (Cal Poly Pomona), Dustin Ross (San Francisco State), Jordan Schettler (San José State), Jessica De Silva (CSU Stanislaus), Javier Trigos-Arrieta (CSU Bakersfield), Oscar Vega (Fresno State), and Belisario Ventura (CSU San Bernardino).